Category Sovereign Grace

The Man they called “The Seraph”

The Man they called “The Seraph” by Kevin Smead             It seems strange to us now that George Whitefield was born and raised in a tavern. It is one of the ironies of history. It is also interesting that when he went to Pembroke College, Oxford, he went there as a servant to the children […]

A Church in Need of Awakening

A Church in Need of Awakening by Kevin Smead             We often speak of the condition of the modern church and lament the lack of gospel preaching that one hears from today’s pulpits. However, in reality this is not merely a modern problem. At many different times in history, there has been a general decay […]

Apologetics of the Enlightenment

Apologetics of the Enlightenment: Two men stand out as brilliant scholars who defended the faith of Christianity against enlightenment attacks: (1) Joseph Butler (1692-1752) who wrote “Analogy of Religion.” This was a defense against Deism. (2) William Paley (1743-1805) who wrote “Natural Theology.” This was a defense against atheism. Nevertheless, the greatest good was done […]

The Enlightenment

The Enlightenment by Kevin Smead             Without a lengthy dissertation, it is impossible to go into the required depth to understand the period known as the Enlightenment. Since we have only a limited amount of space in this booklet, we will only be able to make some very quick observations that will summarize this movement […]

Refutation of Enlightnement thought

Refutation of Enlightenment thought: (1) To use reason to try to argue against God is like using a blowtorch to extinguish the sun. Reason comes from God, and cannot be validated apart from belief in God. If there were no God, what would be the chances that “reason” in us would be compatible with “reason” […]

The Great Preachers of the Great Awakening 03

The Great Preachers of the Great Awakening by Kevin Smead Daniel Rowland – Daniel Rowland was another Welsh Calvinist preacher who had a great impact on his homeland. He was ordained to the ministry at the age of 20, but continued to live a careless and wicked life for a number of years. At the […]